Thursday, July 02, 2015

'Anti-gay right attempts to stop marriage equality becoming just plain SAD' & other Thur midday news briefs

Matt Barber
Barber: 'Wipe Out' The 'Immoral Scourge Of Same-Sex Marriage' - As much as I despise the viciously homophobic Matt Barber of the Liberty Counsel, he does have his uses. For example, today he reminds us that all of this junk we are hearing about some clerks refusing to sign marriage licenses for gay couples have less to do with their personal beliefs and more to do with an attempt to do away with marriage equality all together. Sorry Matt, but it's a constitutional right, but thanks for the needed information. 

 Bobby Jindal says Louisiana government won't recognize same-sex marriages for now - Case in point. You have no choice, Bobby. Deal with it.

Local officials drag their feet on gay marriage despite supreme court ruling - Folks, give it up and turn it loose. You lost. However I do have a complaint. We need to be reminding people that its about the couples being denied their constitutional right to marriage, not the clerks who should be either doing their jobs or resigning.

 5th Circuit Court: Obergefell Is ‘Law Of The Land,’ ‘Should Not Be Taken Lightly’ - The 5th Circuit Court to these folks trying to delay and stop marriage and equality - "All right. OUT of the pool!"  

Episcopal Church Overwhelmingly Votes To Allow Religious Weddings For Same-Sex Couples - Sweet!!!! 

 Mormon Church Makes First-Ever Donation To Utah LGBT Center - This is NOT a typo.

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